26 All Posters

Merry Christmas Happy New Year Poster Product Link
United States, c. 1960s
36 x 24 in (91 x 61 cm)

The First Three! Give till it Hurts - they gave till they died Product Link
USA, C. 1918
21 x 28 in (53 x 71 cm)

Follow your trade at sea or learn of while you fight in the navy JOIN THE NAVY. Product Link
USA, C. 1918
21 x 28 in (53 x 71 cm)

Over the top for you - Buy U.S. Gov't Bonds Third Liberty Loan Product Link
USA, C. 1919
20 x 30 in (51 x 76 cm)

"Shall we be more tender with our dollars than with the lives of our sons?" - Buy a United States Goverment Bond of the 2nd Liberty Loan of 1917 Product Link
USA, 1917
19 x 29 in (48 x 74 cm)

Ne Touchez pas a la Chine - Le Droit des Peuples a disposer d;eux - memes Product Link
France, 1925
20 x 30 in (51 x 76 cm)

Young America Exhibition artist Frederic Henri Kay Henrion Product Link
USA, C. 1945
30 x 19 in (76 x 48 cm)

Chateau Thierry, the turning point of the World War Product Link
USA, 1919